日本人占领山东南部和传教士的慈善工|The Japanese occupation of Shandong South area and Charity Work of Missionaries
2014-10-29 15:22:07 作者:雷立柏 Prof. Leopold Leeb (中国人民大学文学院 Renmin University, School of Liberal Arts)
本文章介绍1937年和1938年在山东南部地区的情况,即日本人如何占领兖州、济宁等地区,以及当地传教士收容难民的态度及慈善工作,尤其在管理难民营方面的贡献。当时在山东南部服务的修会是德国圣言会和一家修女会:圣神婢女传教会(简称“圣神会”)。本文章所依赖的文献主要是德国传教士写的报告,即1938年在德语月刊《斯太尔传教通讯》(Steyler Missionsbote)所发表的报告。
Abstract:This report describes the situation of regions in the south of Shandong in 1937 and 1938, when Japanese troops occupied Yanzhou and Jining. The Catholic missionaries working there set up temporary refugee camps and cared for their Chinese guests, who came in crowds to find shelter at the Church compounds in Yanzhou and Daijia (Jining). At that time the Divine Word Missionaries and the Holy Spirit Sisters from Germany served in these areas, and the present paper is based on their accounts of the events, as they were published by the Steyler Missionsbote (1938).