

2021-11-23 10:06:54 作者:​Ivan 来源:信德网





The “Whitehead Grandma”

I knew Grandma Evelyn when I was four, when my family was staying in at South Bend in 2006. Among all the other distant memories, those moments related to “baiyeye” and “bainainai”, which in English means “Whitehead Grandma and Grandpa”, frequently come back to my mind.

I could remember the ice-creams after dinner, the backyard with tall grasses. Grandma Evelyn was always so patient with this little Chinese boy who did not even know how to speak English. As a renowned professor, she did not bother to sit on the ground and play with me. When you are so kind to a young child when he was lonely, he would remember for a whole life. At that time, even for a long time after returning to China, I really thought Grandma Evelyn, together with Grandpa Jim, were my grandparents, as my own grandparents were so faraway and never sat down and played with me, like what Evelyn did. The last time I met Grandma Evelyn was in 2017, when I graduated from junior and taking university tours across the States. We did not talk much, as my English was still not good enough for a fluent conversation. I made up my mind that I would return three years later with better English skills so that I could talk with them. However, due to the pandemic, I could not come. My last memory of her was when we left the house, she was smiling and waving at us, and this picture will always stay in my mind.


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