
文哈利先生 Mr. Harry Schraven (文致和主教基金会理事长 President of Msgr. Schraven Foundation)

2014-11-03 09:55:19

H. J. H. M. Schraven, MD 
President Mgr.Schraven Foundation

Dear Friends,

To start I would like to introduce myself and the other members of the bishop Schraven memorial tour. My name is Harry Schraven – I am the president of the foundation. I am joined by bishop Everard de Jong, family members of bishop Frans Schraven, bishop Frans Geurts and father Geerts and some good friends of the bishop Schraven foundation. Today is a very special day for us. We are honoured to be your guest and would very much like to share the life story of bishop Schraven – who was an uncle of my father.
My father respect bishop Schraven very much. He had a portrait of bishop.

I like to tell you about the Mgr. Schraven foundation.
The bishop Schraven foundation is dedicated to keeping the memory and life story of bishop Frans Schraven and his peers alive. The foundation was founded  6 years ago and has since then created a place in tribute to the victims of sexual violence in general and the memory of bishop Schraven and his peers in particular. Each 9th of October we also organize a special day of remembrance. Also we make historic investigation possible.

In line with our mission statement the foundation supports projects for threatened women in China. This way the foundation hopes to contribute to a more dignified society. To keep the memory of the martyrs alive the foundation would like to offer the former diocese (of Shijiazhuang / Zhengding)  the portraits of bishop Frans Schraven and his peers made by father-artist Jan Haen. The artist, Jan Haen, has joined us on this special visit to China.
It was a pity that he has to leave earlier because of his illness

Fr. John B. Zhang, I want to give you symbolically these portraits.

I thank you again on behalf of the Mgr. Schraven foundation for this wonderful international conference. It is a great contribution in the cooperation of the peoples of China and Holland.

Harry Schraven

本文标题:文哈利先生 Mr. Harry Schraven (文致和主教基金会理事长 President of Msgr. Schraven Foundation)

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