在全世界为所有人群和宗教缔造和平的帕西•盎林绿色学校|Pasir Angling Green School Promoting Peace on Earth to all people and Religiosity in the World
2014-10-29 15:25:01 作者:Gai Suhardja, Lay Hok Tjoan (文化研究论坛研究员/马拉纳萨-上主来吧, 基督教大学Maranatha Christian University/ Lecturer Foru
Abstract:Second world war were a long time gone, but the trauma of the victim's family became a story that is attached to their families and relatives , a grief when a memorial service is held at the memorial site of the event. Every death is a regret to war victims families and relatives, despite the title of hero. Actually people want to live in peace in an atmosphere of harmony and peace without wars that bring deaths. Man in real life journey has a mission to defend the culture of life, creating a peaceful atmosphere, between nations, so that the world is advancing in its environment to achieve happiness. There seems to be a difference between the will of most people with some people because of their uncontrolled emotion causing conflict with each other then even become violence between groups, nations and countries, thus causing death victims also for those who are not related to the problem. This paper discusses the environmental education from an early age, which instills a pattern of behavior that create an atmosphere of peaceful cooperation in diversity. Battles occurred because of the interests in expanding state power, groups of people can be in conflict of differences in religious beliefs. Yet it is clear in international human rights convention that "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have a religion or whatever belief of his [her] choice. ". Let our brothers the victims become memories of grief and passed, provided it does not lead to retaliation, because now we are in the era of information technology and capable of understanding and thinking across borders can transcend ethnic and religious diversity to the eternal spiritual life, a religiosity.
Keywords: Environmental, Culture, Diversity, Religious, Education