
进德:来自中国的紧急呼吁(一)Jinde: An Emergency Appeal for Help from China --- I

2020-02-03 23:05:08 作者:进德公益 来源:信德网


我们是一家有信仰背景民间组织(NGO) — 进德公益基金会,长期从事赈灾和救死扶伤的人道主义救援工作。


医用防护口罩(GB 19083-2010)


防护服(GB 19082-2003)


在此关键时刻,如果您能给予帮助的话,请联系我们(电邮; ……)。谢谢!祝福您!















今日凌晨0时 05分,一位金邦尼修会弟兄给我留言:“张若翰神父,看到你们一直在忙,我们能帮忙做点什么吗?请告诉我们吧。”今天这位意大利会士正在他的祖国通过同会弟兄和亲朋筹集武汉疫区最急需:防护服、口罩等。这位会士和纽约一位华裔遣使会士的慷慨支持,让我想到了曾把福音带给中国的男女修会,普世教会、各地公教医院。我希望透过你们和你们的朋友为中国的疫情灾区寻求帮助。




在此中国的特别困难时期,我恳请你们伸出援助之手,提供或代购医用口罩和防护服等。欢迎联系我们(电邮; )我们衷心地感谢贵会、贵院!谢谢你们与包括中国神长教友在内的中国人民的同行!愿天主百倍地降福你们!






Jinde: An Emergency Appeal for Help from China --- I

We are a NGO of the Catholic Church in China known as Jinde Charities and have been working for disaster relief and various kind of humanitarian aid for years.

At the moment, we work collaboratively with Catholic Church in China and other social organizations, groups and individuals to fight against 2019-nCoV, which is rapidly spreading in China and affecting other countries too. In supporting the medical staff who work at the front-lines to save people’s lives, we need your help! The following medical supplies are urgently needed:

Medical Protective Mask(GB 19083-2010)

Medical Surgery Mask(YY0469-2010)

Medical Protective Suits(GB 19082-2003)

These are currently unavailable in China due to the huge amount of needs. I plead you to help us with those medical supplies! Welcome My Wechat, WhatsApp and Signal: +86 139 3308 5515. Please contact me if you are willing and able to help us at this crucial moment! Thank you very much and God’s blessings!

Yours sincerely in the Lord, 

Fr. John Baptist Zhang
Jinde Charities , China 


Jinde: An Emergency Appeal for Help from China


To: Religious Orders, Dioceses and the Church hospitals throughout the world

From: Xinde Community, China, and Jinde Charities, Hebei, China

Date: Sunday, February 2, 2020



Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Greetings from China! First of all, we want to express our gratitude to Pope Francis and all of you for your prayers and support!

As you know, at the present moment, besides the City of Wuhan, the coronavirus epicenter of China, other surrounding cities and other provinces, such as Huang Gang city, Hubei province and Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province, are also seriously affected by the epidemic. The numbers of confirmed cases and suspect cases have been increasing day by day throughout China. The situation is severe and complicated. The biggest challenge is the great shortage of medical supplies, such as surgical masks, protective suits, goggles, etc.. 

Since Jan. 25, the afternoon of Chinese New Year, China has imposed the strictest policy ever in the Chinese history to stop the spreading of coronavirus throughout China. All the churches have been closed, and all sorts of gatherings, including mass, study sessions, group gatherings have been stopped. Most of Catholics and Christians remain at home to pray, read Bible, recite rosary and the Divine Mercy, fast and do penance, earnestly asking God to bless China and stop the spreading of the virus, and heal the people who are infected.

As for the medical supplies, although many factories reopened after Chinese New Year to boost production of medical supplies and protective gears, it is still not able to meet the great demand throughout China. The shortage of medical supplies is seriously affecting and endangering the front-line medical workers. There are already some cases that the medical staff is infected in Wuhan, which in turn severely hampered the treatment and anti-infection efforts.

Seeing the medical staff fighting tirelessly on the front-line yet without necessary protection, many Catholics are crying and asking Jinde Charities for help: “There are already oversea Chinese individuals and groups taking actions to help with the need for medical supplies in China, can we the Catholic Church in China, which is always preaching love, take action with the help of the Universal Church to buy the urgently needed medical supplies for the front-line doctors and nurses?”

Jinde Charities has been working closely with our partners in trying to look for medical supplies for the hospitals in China. On the one hand, we constantly provide information on the process of this work to people who called in for an update. On the other hand, we have been collaborating with sisters and brothers who are trying to buy medical supplies outside China. Unfortunately, we often get the bad news that those medical supplies are out of stock at factories or sold out at pharmacies. Upon hearing such a bad news from one of our long-term partners, I felt almost despaired. I prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and I had to accept this reality. 

However, when God closes a door, He opens a window for us. At 12:05 am this morning, I got a message from a priest of Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus. He said in the message: “Fr. John Zhang, you have been working so hard looking for medical supplies. Please tell me, what can we do for you?” Right now, this Italian brother, together with his fellow brothers, their friends, and relatives are trying to get medical supplies for the cities that are in great need. A Chinese priest from the Congregation of the Mission in New York is also generously offering his help. The two religious brothers give me hope and an inspiration that maybe I can ask for help from religious communities, especially the ones who had brought gospel message to China, the Universal Church and the hospitals that affiliated with the Church.

I am well aware of the reality that many countries need the same medical supplies to fight with the epidemic as well since there are people infected there too. I am just hoping that the hospitals in those countries might have some surplus of surgical masks and protective and isolation suits. If they could donate or sell certain amount of their medical supplies to us, we would be very grateful! Jinde Charities and our oversea partners would be responsible for any cost that incurred. We believe that with the efforts of Chinese factories and your help, the shortage of medical supplies would be soon improved. Our oversea partners and I will follow up with the process. 

A friend in need is a friend indeed! During these difficult days, I have truly experienced the limitedness of humankind, but I also experienced that the help of our fellow sisters and brothers at the time of need are so precious. This encourages me to continue Jinde’s mission of caring and helping the people in the world who are suffering from sickness, natural disaster, or war. 

Now is s critical moment for the people in China, and I plead you for help, to donate the medical supplies that is urgently needed in the virus-infected places. (Welcome to contact ) Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for walking with us during this difficult time. May God bless you abundantly for your love and generosity!


Yours sincerely in the Lord, 


Fr. John Baptist Zhang

Faith Community & Jinde Charities



There is no Caritas in mainland China. Jinde Charities has been doing disaster relief work.

本文标题:进德:来自中国的紧急呼吁(一)Jinde: An Emergency Appeal for Help from China --- I

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