

2018-06-11 09:47:07 作者:新加坡总教区英文资讯组提供

新加坡总主教吴成才(Archbishop William Goh)

  仁慈的天父,求袮恩赐将于六月十二日,在新加坡举行的美朝峰会。 天主,我们都渴望有一个充满和平、友爱、关怀和慈善的世界,因为世界如果没有和平,没有平安,社会就不会进步,人类也就没有将来。




Prayer for the US-North Korea Summit

Archbishop William Goh is encouraging Catholics to pray for the upcoming US-North Korea Summit:

Heavenly Father, we ask for the outpouring of Your grace on the momentous US-North Korea Summit here in Singapore on 12th June. We all desire to live in a world where there is peace, fraternal love, concern and charity for each other. Without peace, there can be no security, no progress and future for humanity.

Lord, we pray You will enlighten the political leaders to work for peace, justice and social order in the world. May this be the start of a continuous effort to building strong relationships, freed from the burden of fear and the weight of suspicion. May nations learn to trust each other and work towards world peace for all humankind.

Blessed Mother, you are our Mirror of Justice and Seat of Wisdom, we entrust this summit to you. Holy Spirit, guide the leaders and officials so that “nation will not lift sword against nation, there will be no more training for war” (Is 2:4).

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen






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