
雷鸣远神父“我为爱中国而生,为爱中国而死”的爱国行实 | Fr. Vincent Lebbe’s Practices of “Living and Dying for the Love of China”

2014-10-29 11:25:57 作者:李国伟 Li Guowei (安国德来小妹妹会) (The Little Sisters of St. Theresa of the Holy Child in Anguo)

摘要:天主教外国传教士雷鸣远神父毕生热爱中国,尤其在抗日战争时期,社会环境复杂,教会内大多数传教士不参与政事,尽力保持中立。然而,雷鸣远神父为表达他爱国之志,不但呼吁抗日,且亲自带领他初创不久的耀汉、德来男女两个修会会士及部分教友组织救护队,赴前线参与救护伤兵。 雷神父的这一英勇壮举,激励了战场上英勇杀敌的官兵们。

雷神父的这种爱国情操 ,是他爱天主爱人的具体实现。他的博爱精神深深地影响并激励着后人,不仅是他的弟子们,也有很多景仰他的人士。在福音精神光照下,他们也愿意付出自己的青春、时间、精力、才华,为国家的发展,社会的和谐,世界的和平贡献自己的一份爱。

Abstract: In this article, the author talks about how a foreign missionary Fr. Lei Mingyuan showed his patriotism at the early year of 19th century when Chinese situation was characterized by turbulence and intranquility.  Normally, patriotism refers to a person loves his/her own country with strong passion. Here, Fr. Lei exhibited his strong patriotism for China as a foreign missionary and he proposed this slogan ‘live for China, die for China.” However, many other missionaries did not involve China’ politics or at most some remained natural.  During Anti-Japanese  aggression war Fr. Lei actively organized ambulance Corps and offered the service for the wounded soldiers at the rear area.  Many people were moved by his great patriotism and the army’ morale was boosted tremendously.

Fr Lei’s patriotism bore witness to his love for God and the people.  Even if he passed away for 75 years, his patriotism, fraternity and spirituality influenced his disciples deeply and other patriots. His disciples are in the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (CSJB) and the little Sisters of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus (CST) and they have 500 members from China, Taiwan, Canada, Vietnam, America and the Philippines.

本文标题:雷鸣远神父“我为爱中国而生,为爱中国而死”的爱国行实 | Fr. Vincent Lebbe’s Practices of “Living and Dying for the Love of China”

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