
活菩萨赵朴初在抗战中的人道主义救助 | Living Buddha Zhao Pu-Chu’s humanitarian assistance during the Anti-Japanese War

2014-10-29 10:59:51 作者: 钱耕森 Prof. Qian Gengsen (安徽大学宗教学研究中心) (Center of Religious Studies, Anhui University)

关键词:抗战  赵朴初  人道主义  孤儿  难民  活菩萨

Abstract: During the Anti-Japanese War, Mr Zhao Pu-Chu actively engaged in  the Buddhist  bailout,he vigorously advocated its humanitarian and dedication. By “Orphan’s workhouse”,“Juvenile village” and“refugees' asylums”, Mr Zhao risked his own well-being to provid shelter for more than 3000 orphans and a half million refugees.  It is particularly worth mentioning here that he offer his service with a heart of gratitude(as if repaying a kindness), a spirit of peace and harmony,a principle of equality and justice to moralize orphans and refugees, and then he obtained satisfactory results-what he had done have a far-reaching influence. For this reason, Mr Zhao have earn a reputation of “Living Buddha”.
Keywords: the Anti-Japanese War; Zhao Pu-Chu; humanitarianism; Orphan; refugees; Living Buddha

本文标题:活菩萨赵朴初在抗战中的人道主义救助 | Living Buddha Zhao Pu-Chu’s humanitarian assistance during the Anti-Japanese War

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