见证人与活菩萨:抗战时期的在华传教士及其活动(1937-1945)|Eyewitness and Living Buddha: Missionaries in War-Torn China (1937-1945)
2014-10-29 09:21:33 作者:刘家峰 Liu Jiafeng
Eyewitness and Living Buddha: Missionaries in War-Torn China (1937-1945)
College of History and Culture, Shandong University
Jinan, Shandong Province, China
Japanese troops launched the full-scale war against China in July 1937, the missionaries remained in China not only witnessed the Japanese atrocities, also established safety area or shelters for refugees with their status foreign citizen. They were called “living Buddha” by Chinese people. It is a pity that Christian activities only in a few cities such as Nanjing and Shanghai have been researched fully while other more places need further investigation. In fact missionary materials related with this field are so rich that make this research possible. This paper analyzes the significance and prospect of this research based on the missionary resource in the libraries and archives in the United States of America.