
人道救助:理解宗教与战争关系的一条线索|Humanitarian assistance: a clue to understand the relationship between religion and war

2014-10-29 09:48:48 作者:张志鹏 Prof. Zhang zhipeng (安徽工业大学) (Business College, AnHui University of Technology )


Abstract: In the history of human society, the relationship between religion and war is complex. In some cases, religion became the source and force of war; in other cases, religion has become a humanitarian aid, eliminate the factors of war. Understanding these phenomena, the key is to understand the relationship between politics and religion. This paper take humanitarian aid as an example, analysis the relationship of religion and war under the influence of politics.
Key words:religion; war; humanitarian assistance; the relationship between politics and religion

本文标题:人道救助:理解宗教与战争关系的一条线索|Humanitarian assistance: a clue to understand the relationship between religion and war

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