

2013-09-10 16:54:42 作者:黄剑波 中国人民大学教授

Being Christians in Urbanizing China:
The Epistemological Tensions of the Rural Churches in the City

Along with the fast urbanization process in China in the last 20 years, hundreds of millions of rural residents surged into the cities for better livelihoods, and among them are hundreds of thousands of Christians. For the Christian migrants, they found themselves not only in an overwhelming city life and culture as did other new rural-urban migrants. They also found a new church setting and even an unfamiliar expression of their familiar faith, in terms of different ways of understanding, approaching and experiencing God, and of course understanding of self and the world. Besides the “moral torment” and identity tension between being “Chinese Christian” and “Christian Chinese”, they are struggling with at least two sets of epistemological ways, one of which is more inward, emotional, practice-centered and the other is more outward, intellectual, text-centered.

Rural-urban migrant, Chinese Christian, Christian Chinese, epistemological struggle
1.Urbanization and its Impact on Christianity in China
2.A Rural Church in the City of Beijing
3.Strangers in the City and the Church as a Community
4. Strangeness of the City and the Tensions within the Community
5.Conclusion and Discussions


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