

2013-03-18 16:34:39 来源:信德网









Appeal: Prayer for the Inauguration of Pope Francis

The solemn inauguration of Pope Francis will take place in Saint Peter's Square on March 19, Feast of Saint Joseph. More than 150 heads of state or their representatives, as well as different religious leaders and more than a million clergy and faithful will attend this historic ceremony. The world will once again focus on the ancient Vatican City, the Universal Church, and the Successor of Saint Peter.

Recently, many clergy and faithful in China have been making suggestions and appeals that the clergy and faithful across mainland China, during Eucharistic celebrations on March 19, Feast of St. Joseph the Patron of China, offer prayers together for the new Pope’s inauguration and his future pastoral role, and for the Universal Church. At the same time, they also have urged that prayers be offered for our motherland and for our newly elected national leaders.

Some clergy and faithful have further suggested that, from the day the new Pope is inaugurated until Easter, which includes the fifth week of Lent and Holy Week, we practice fast and abstinence and offer prayers for the Pope, the Universal Church, world peace and the prosperity of our motherland. We hope that all dioceses, parishes, religious communities of men and women, Major and Minor seminaries, families and individuals will actively join this effort, and thus walk with the new Pope, the Universal Church and the motherland.


The following prayer, which was composed by some students from several universities in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, northern China, is representative of many:

Merciful God, we thank You for having sent Pope Francis to the Universal Church, the world and our young people as your herald of love and peace! We beseech You to bless him abundantly and grant him strength to lead God’s people all over the world as they walk along the journey in Your presence. We also pray for the national leaders, especially the most recently elected leaders of our country (China) and for world peace. Though no official delegation from China will be present at today’s inauguration ceremony, we the clergy and faithful in China are always closely united in spirit with the successor of Saint Peter and the Universal Church. May our Lord God bless our new Pope, the clergy and faithful of the Universal Church, and people all over the world, including China’s own 1.3 billion people.

For this, we pray to the Lord!





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