
ASIA/CHINA - National Catholic Collection Day, an expression of the synodal journey in charity

—— (信仰社:中国 - 天主教会连续六年在圣枝主日善度“赈灾捐献日”加速爱德共议制的步伐)

2022-04-07 08:05:46 作者:Agenzia Fides 来源:信德网

Rome (Agenzia Fides) - The pandemic has physically limited the activities of Chinese Catholics, but has not been able to stop the generous heart of the Chinese Catholic community, which beats for the needs of all, Catholics and non-Catholics, Chinese and non-Chinese, pushed moreover by the synodal journey of charity that it is carrying out together with the universal Church. For the sixth consecutive year, the Catholic community in mainland China will celebrate next Sunday, April 10, Palm Sunday, the "National Day of collection in favor of the victims of natural disasters". According to information sent to Fides, until March 22, 2022, therefore in the first 5 years, the initiative has collected ¥ 5,067,275.45, equivalent to € 745,187.5 and financed projects for ¥ 4,697,660.27, equivalent to € 690,832.35.

These include initiatives following floods and earthquakes in various parts of China; after the Hualien earthquake in Taiwan, the volcanic eruption in Guatemala and the tsunami in Indonesia in 2018. Since the pandemic broke out until March 3, 2021, Collection Day has collected more than 30 million yuan, equivalent to more than 4.5 million, to help pandemic areas in China and other affected countries by providing them with masks, machines, protective equipment... In addition , maximum transparency and verification of the use of donations have characterized these years of commitment. Dioceses, parishes, congregations and religious institutes, associations and ecclesial movements have always enthusiastically participated in the Palm Sunday collection. One of the main promoters and organizers of the initiative is Jinde Charites. The first non-profit organization established by the Catholic Church in China to provide social services, Jinde Charites has been guiding charities in the Catholic world in mainland China and coordinating international donations for 25 years. According to information sent to Fides, the National Collection Day has always been welcomed with great goodwill by bishops, priests and lay people, because they consider it an "opportunity to unite the whole Church, and together to witness faith and charity, promoting evangelization". At the same time, it constitutes a concrete participation in the works of charity of the Chinese Catholic community, in the synodal journey of the universal Church, as Pope Francis wishes. "How I would like almsgiving to become a true way of life for everyone! .... Each almsgiving is an opportunity to participate in the Providence of God towards his children" (Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2018). 

Original(原载):(NZ) (Agenzia Fides, 5/4/2022)

National Day of collection in favor of the victims of natural disasters(2022赈灾捐献日) 

本文标题:ASIA/CHINA - National Catholic Collection Day, an expression of the synodal journey in charity

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