

2021-11-18 14:50:26 来源:信德网

IPS Aggiornamento Award Drs. James and Evelyn Whitehead October 14, 2017

Drs. James and Evelyn Whitehead have been engaged with the Institute of Pastoral Studies since its early days. Their work not only helped to shape the Institute’s mission and practice; their teaching, research, and groundbreaking publications have been instrumental in shaping the field itself. Pastoral theology has evolved and been pushed forward by these two dedicated servants for decades. Their connection to the Institute of Pastoral Studies has been deep and durable, and we are pleased to honor their work through the presentation of the IPS Aggiornamento Award.




2017年10月14日 白大诚和尹玮玲教授夫妇获与时俱进奖留影



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