

2019-05-22 09:37:35

<p>1、大纲韩国的修会状况</p><p>1、统计数据&nbsp;<br/>2、分析&nbsp;<br/>3、问题诊断&nbsp;<br/>4、教区的态度&nbsp;<br/>5、有关男修会圣召的关键问题&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;</p><p>2、赤足加尔默罗韩国修会对圣召的推动</p><p>1、定义&nbsp;<br/>2、目的&nbsp;<br/>3、方法&nbsp;<br/>4、直接相关的成员/团体&nbsp;<br/>5、圣召分辨&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;</p><p>3. 结论<br/><br/>概要:<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;本讲座讨论的是韩国教会男修会的现状,尤其是圣召状况。本讲座将以来自韩国主要修会会长联合会的统计数据为参考进行分析讨论,对修会成员和修会数量的变化予以关注,同时对韩国目前的圣召状况进行诊断和分析。为了对韩国的圣召推动状况有所了解,赤足加尔默罗韩国修会将被作为个案来研讨。因此,为了实现举一反三的目的,将从定义、目的、方法、直接相关的成员/团体几个方面对其进行分析。</p><p>The situation of male religious vocation in Korea and the vocational promotion of the Korean Order of Discalced Carmelite.<br/><br/>This presentation will be made about Korean men’s religious situation especially, vocation situation. The several statistics from Korean conference of Major superiors of religious institutes will be suggested and through the analysis of the statistics concerning the transition of the number of religious and Orders/ congregations, the present vocational situation in Korea will be diagnosed. Moreover, on behalf of other religious congregations having similar ways of vocational promotion, the Discalced Carmelite Order’s vocational promotion will be dealt with: definition, purpose, method, direct affiliated members or group and vocational discernment.&nbsp;<br/><br/>1) Korean situation&nbsp;<br/>-It is said that Korean Catholic church is growing so fast. It is true but the speed of growing is getting slower.&nbsp;<br/>-There are still vocations whether religious or priest in Korea. However, the number of new vocations of orders or congregations is almost the same as the last few years or getting slowly down due to the increasing of new religious congregations. So the total number of vocations might not reduce however each Order or congregation could recruit only smaller number of candidates.<br/>-Women religious congregation is more serious than men because of too many religious congregations.(more or less a 100) However the number of women religious congregations is slowly increasing.&nbsp;<br/><br/>The transition of the number of men religious and Orders/ congregations in Korea (from 63 to 2003)<br/><br/>- The increase of the men religious for 40 years (63 to 2003)--><br/>398 to 1263 (more or less 3.17 times increased)<br/><br/>-The increase of the congregations for 40 years (63 to 2003)--><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12 to 44 (about 3.67 times increased)<br/><br/>The number of postulants (from 93 to 2008):<br/><br/>1)In the large size men’s religious congregations (more than 100)<br/><br/><br/>2)In the medium size (between 30 to 99)<br/><br/>3) In the small size (between 20 to 30)<br/><br/>4) In the very small size (less than 20) men’s religious congregation<br/>(12 congregations)<br/><br/>These graphs show us that the number of men religious vocation is slightly getting down.&nbsp;<br/><br/>-->The reason is as follows: The speed of increase of Orders/congregations surpassed the speed of increase of religious. Therefore, each Order/congregation might have less vocation than before even though the total number of new vocations is getting increasing.&nbsp;<br/><br/><br/><br/>The statistics in the Order of Discalced Carmelite;<br/>1)World<br/><br/>year<br/>houses<br/>priest<br/>Non-cle. Sol. Prof.<br/>Temp. Prof.<br/>novice<br/>postulant<br/>total<br/>aspirant<br/>OCD in World<br/>2003<br/>496<br/>2570<br/>292<br/>826<br/>184<br/>273<br/>4308<br/>474<br/><br/>2009<br/>505<br/>2718<br/>259<br/>677<br/>161<br/>283<br/>4255<br/>393<br/>Transition<br/>+9<br/>+148<br/>-33<br/>-149<br/>-23<br/>+10<br/>-53<br/>-81<br/><br/><br/>Analysis of the statistics:<br/><br/>The observation on the statistics of OCD friars in the world<br/>-Comparing the statistics in the year 2003 and of 2009, the total number of OCD friars (with postulants) in the world decreases from 4308 to 4255 (-53)<br/>-If the number of aspirants (-83) is included, the decrease in number of the friars becomes bigger --> (-53)+(-83) = (-134)<br/><br/>Total number of OCD friars decreased but total number of houses and priests increased. What is the meaning of this phenomenon of decrease in members but of increase in houses and priests.<br/>-->According to the increase of priests, the&nbsp;<br/>houses for pastoral purpose are needed. However, the decrease of total members means the number of non-cle Sol. Prof. friars including friars in formation period decreased. Namely, OCD vocation is decreasing especially Brother’s vocation is more decreasing than priest.<br/>2)South Korea<br/><br/>year<br/>houses<br/>priest<br/>Non-cle. Sol. Prof.<br/>Temp. Prof.<br/>novice<br/>postulant<br/>total<br/>aspirant<br/>OCD in&nbsp;<br/>S. Korea<br/>2003<br/>5<br/>20<br/>8<br/>10<br/>2<br/>6<br/>46<br/>6<br/><br/>2009<br/>6<br/>23<br/>11<br/>10<br/>6<br/>3<br/>53<br/>2<br/>Transition<br/>1<br/>3<br/>3<br/>0<br/>4<br/>-3<br/>7<br/>-4<br/><br/>-Analysis of statistics:<br/><br/>-The Korean situation of OCD is not bad compared to World situation.<br/>-The overall vocational situation seems good. The number of new vocations is not very big, but stable number each year (e.g. 2~3 aspirants every year).<br/>-Relatively good number of non-clerical brothers (11 Solemnly professed brothers)<br/>-However, there might be a few problems concerning the vocational promotion compared with 2003 --> The total number of friars, priest, Sol. Prof. B. and house increased but the number of postulant (-3) and aspirant(-4) decreased.&nbsp;<br/>-Diagnosis of Korean religious vocation<br/>According to “the collaboration Seminar of Men and Women religious congregation for considering a counterplan for vocational promotion.” (2004)<br/><br/>1) The characteristics of vocational transition of male religious Orders/ congregations&nbsp;<br/>-Even though the graph shows a little bit down it would be difficult to judge if there will be acute decrease or zero vocation in near future. For the time being it is likely to show similar tendency.<br/>-The large size Orders/congregations are more stable in the number of vocation.<br/>-The rate of International Orders is higher than diocesan erected ones and overall the vocational situation of male congregation is very similar to the diocesan priest vocation.<br/>-Total number is increasing but the number of candidate is decreasing.<br/><br/>2) The common characteristics of vocational transition of male/female Orders/ congregations<br/>-Even though the period of vocational stagnation is estimated the international Orders/congregations keep being founded. Therefore temporarily, there would be dispersion effect but soon after it seems to enter a period of stagnation.<br/>-It means the stagnation of the growth of religious Orders but the stagnation of total number of religious that doesn’t come yet. As long as there is no any obstacle it is likely to keep growing slightly.&nbsp;<br/>-According to the Orders/congregations, they have different vocational transition graph which is considered to come from 4 reasons.<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1. The size of the Order/ congregation (more popular)<br/>2. The image/impression of the Order<br/>3. The efforts of the Order<br/>4. The Order’s apostolate or charisma<br/><br/>3) The primary factors giving influence to male vocation<br/>1. The result of the expansion of diocesan priests<br/>2. How much the Order is known to others<br/>3. How flexibly the conditions for admission are applied<br/>4. The social position of religious<br/>5. The degree of secularism/ materialism/ capitalism<br/><br/>4) The common vocational view of Male/female congregations<br/>1. There is a high possibility for vocational transition to change from slightly down to stagnation<br/>2. From the active Orders-oriented, the diverse Orders will be informed and act in many areas.<br/>3. The Orders over middle size will keep maintaining the competitive power for a time.<br/>4. The pressure of the easing of the admission conditions will be bigger.<br/>5. The influence of mannerism within the Order will keep going --> the loss of passion, compromise with reality, searching for stability&nbsp;<br/>6. The vocational elements looking for women congregations are getting fewer.<br/>7. The appearance of new type of consecrated life will accelerate the stagnation of vocation&nbsp;<br/><br/>5) The counterplan for vocational promotion<br/>1. Sharing the sense of responsibility among religious<br/>2. Developing the quality of vocational promoter<br/>3. From the competition to collaboration among religious Orders.<br/>4. Make the identity of Order clear<br/>5. Inner reformation of Order<br/>6. Overcome the mannerism/ stability<br/><br/><br/>2) The Vocational promotion of the Korean Order of Discalced Carmelite<br/><br/>Description:<br/>Vocation as a grace of God, especially vocational illumination, is an obligation of those who direct the lives of others to the service of God.<br/>Through the way of Carmelites who follow the example of St Theresa, it is necessary to pay special attention to the person who aspires to dedicate his life to Almighty God. This should be accompanied with assistance in promoting the Carmelite vocation.<br/><br/>1. Purposes<br/>?Vocational promotion is an arena where God invites all to participate in the salvation of men as ordered by the Lord. The promotion of vocations should commence with prayer and sacrifice. These can be accomplished with the evidence of lives, spiritual instruction, and through lectures. The desired outcome can be realized through careful consideration of the disposition of candidates.<br/>?To implant aspirations of charity and enthusiasm toward Jesus Christ, and the desire to assist in the saving of souls.<br/>?To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in providing assistance to all who seek vocations and to respond to their own endeavors freely in truth. It is important to promote the needs of the Church. This should apply even where the candidate does not decide to enter the Carmelites, and intends to apply to another order.<br/>?To help people recognize the meaning of our order's mission in the Catholic Church, and the meaning of dedicated lives such as that of St Theresa, as providing information about the order.<br/>?To assist candidates to go forth with us by providing the information needed in the fostering stages.<br/><br/>2. Methods and Key elements<br/>1) Carmelite introduction<br/>The decisive role of vocational illumination is shown by maintain a life which is both charismatic and joyful in the community and in private life.&nbsp;<br/>Offering adequate information about our order permits a candidate to recognize the meaning of our mission, within the Church, and in daily life, as follows:<br/>?individual relationships<br/>?Carmelite advertising, in prayer meetings of young Catholics<br/>?introducing the Carmelite Order through participation in religious ceremonies, Vocational Week activities, Diocesan ceremonies, or functions within the order itself.<br/>?through the preparation of advertising materials, such as booklets, pamphlets, posters and other mass-communication media, including CDs and videos.&nbsp;<br/>?the internet: allocating space on a Carmelite web page for counseling, and participating in vocational sector material, responding sincerely to requests for information.<br/>?participating in secular publications advertising the order.<br/><br/>2) A period of accompanying candidates<br/>Prepare monthly vocational meeting in the appropriate region for those who look for the Carmelite (ascetic) life, and also arrange retreat procedures, using vacation and leisure time for candidates who are not able to attend the meeting regularly.<br/>○1A general period of accompanying<br/>Monthly meeting: provide opportunities to assist the religious life of candidates and enable them to heed more easily the calling voice of the Lord.<br/>Retreat: Prepared program can be helpful for general recognition of the Carmelite life, and introduce the spirit of the Carmelite Order. Individual interviews could be offered if necessary<br/>Prepare opportunities to experience the religious life for candidates who are interested.<br/>Provide opportunities to share our lives by invitation at Carmel liturgical ceremony and similar occasions.<br/>○2A special period of accompanying (about six months)-aspirant&nbsp;<br/>?A vocational promoter should contact applicants through mail, visitation or by interview, as these proceedings progress. He should give assistance to confirm the aspiration to the Carmelite life, and to ensure that the candidate gives careful consideration to his motivation in wishing to join our Order.<br/>He should lead the applicant to write his autobiography, encouraging him to reflect on the events of his past life.<br/>He should ensure a deep recognition of the ascetic life of Jesus Christ.<br/>He should encourage prudent deliberation of the tenor of the applicant's vocation, and the attractions of the Carmelite life, in order to clarify the motivation of the vocation.<br/>He should encourage self-reflection through the life of the founder.<br/>He should provide experience of community life, and share the practical life of the Carmelite Order.<br/>He should offer opportunities to share with others a period of retreat with other brothers, or a short period of traveling with other applicants.<br/>Where necessary, provide explanatory information, psychological examination, or counseling from other institutions (This should be approached with discretion and treated prudently –traditional Carmelite vocational traditions should always be respected).<br/><br/>3. Direct affiliated members responsible for vocational activation<br/>1) Vocational promoter<br/>The vocational promoter should embrace responsibility and charity as his duty toward the trainee, and at the same time be:<br/>A person who has retained an inner steadfastness in Carmelite traditions.<br/>A person of long ascetic and mission experience.<br/>A person who knows Carmelite history and the charisma of the founder.<br/>A person who acknowledges the call to prayer and the need for a prayerful life.<br/>A person who can be responsible for providing illumination on general vocational concepts.<br/>A person who will report to the jurisdictional conference on the vocational aspects of missions.<br/>A person who will draft and report on the vocational education budget.<br/>A person who will select candidates to join and accompany him for the preparation of necessities.<br/>A person who will preside regional community meetings.<br/>A person who will discuss with the provincial promotional committee the operation of vocational missions.<br/><br/>2) Vocational committee<br/>Constitution: councillor concerned with the promotional sector, promoter of vocations, co-ordinator in the regional community, administrator of petitions.<br/>The vocational promoter should be a chairman of this committee.<br/>Effectuate and plan the promotion of vocations within general sectors, and assist the promoters of vocations.<br/>Compile annual plans for vocational meetings.<br/>Create opportunities to set individual meetings with vocational candidates.<br/>Evaluate the applications of candidates in order to provide assistance for the decision of the provincial to accept or reject the candidate's application.<br/><br/>3) Regional community co-operator<br/>Assigned by provincial under the recommendation of vocational promoter.<br/>Supervise the regional vocation meeting.<br/>Inform vocational promoter of the candidates showing a deep interest in our Order .&nbsp;<br/>Stimulate interest in promoting vocations among the community brothers.<br/><br/>4) Community<br/>The community helps candidates feel the attraction of the Carmelite life.<br/>The community into which the candidate experiences the Carmelite life is determined by the Provincial.<br/>The community, together with the vocational promoter, shows the candidates hospitality and assists them to have a right understanding of Carmelite life.&nbsp;<br/><br/>4 . Criteria of vocational discernment<br/>When God calls a soul, He provides all the graces needed to respond to His call. If these graces are lacking, it becomes clear that there is no call from God to enter the community.<br/><br/>1)Human conditions<br/>○1The positive elements are:<br/>Maturity appropriate to age, and balanced personality.<br/>A spirit which maintains principle.<br/>Truthfulness and a spirit of co-operation with others.<br/>Charity, altruism and unselfishness.<br/>Realistic self-discretion.<br/>Strong intellectual capacity:<br/>Ability for right judgment and discernment.<br/>Human sensibility and equilibrium.<br/>Potential to pursue knowledge.<br/><br/>○2The Negative elements:<br/>Health problems: Genetic defects, in particular severe disease; physical handicaps which are likely to cause problems in community life and the apostolic mission.<br/>Psychological imbalance: indications of potential problems from history of strain.<br/>Symptoms which indicate a difficulty with vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.<br/>Difficulty with altruism, voluntary practicing of community life and apostolic service.<br/>Repeated instability in various activities, in the past or in education, workplace, and elsewhere.<br/>Extreme distrust of others.<br/>Inability to cope with continued stress.<br/>Excessive strictness and stubbornness likely to lead to difficulties in the community.<br/>Lacking in ability and good-mindedness to make efforts to adjust.<br/>Exaggerated consciousness of incompetence, or sense of inferiority.<br/>An exaggerated fear of making mistakes.<br/>Unnecessarily withstanding reasonable criticism or censure.<br/>Inclination to reveal oneself to others.<br/>Tendency to excessively pursue carnal satisfaction.<br/>Inclination to excessively express anger or offence.<br/>Deficiency in emotional balance in regard to human relationships.<br/>Family-related matters: Where livelihood concerns interfere with dedication to the religious life, including problems which have arisen during youth.<br/><br/>2)Christian commitments&nbsp;<br/>obstinate denial of basic Catholic dogma; suspicious attitude to recent conversion; participation in factional differences.<br/>Impediment in relation to ecclesiastical law, matrimonial condition, membership of other orders (Canon Law (?) no. 643).<br/>Other impediments stemming from debt or obligations associated with culture or regional precedents.<br/>One who has been baptized more than three years, under thirty years old, and has completed high school education or equivalent.<br/><br/>3)Personalities necessary for the Carmelite life.<br/>A person who wants to find satisfaction in prayer, and to approach the divine within prayer.<br/>One who, in service to the Church, maintains a spirit of self-sacrifice in apostolic life.<br/>One who is decisive and unshakeable when proceeding from a right intention.<br/>Who is able to accept solitude.<br/>Stable and balanced personality.<br/><br/>5. Preparation for admission<br/>Lead the candidate to write his own life-story so that he can reflect the trace of God's presence in his life.<br/>Prepare question papers for the candidates: Application form and resume<br/>Arrange medical examination at the hospital<br/>Encourage psychological examination or counseling if necessary&nbsp;<br/>The promoter of vocations should submit an assessment of the candidates.<br/>Arrange an interview for the candidate with the provincial<br/>Following acceptance of admission, the vocational administrator and the responsible promoter visit the home of the candidate.<br/>Documents prepared:<br/>Permanent family registration card<br/>Final school education certificate<br/>High school activity record/graduation certificate<br/>Baptism and confirmation document<br/>Recommendation paper of priest knowing the applicant<br/>Preparation of living accommodation and necessaries<br/><br/></p><p>©2001-2010 信德文化研究所<br/>Faith Institute for Cultural Studies All Rights Reserved</p><p><br/></p>


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