

2019-05-22 09:20:30

 摘要:在这篇演讲中,我将讨论在现代社会中,心灵导师的 1)角色, 2)具备的特质,3)这个角色带来的挑战,4)它所提供的机会。我们暂且把人粗略按他们是否追求生命意义分成两类。一类人会从生命中所经历的失望与希望中,寻求更深的意义,而另一类人,则逃避有关生命意义的问题,在人的本性中麻醉自己。 在描述现代心灵导师的特质时,我们将仔细探讨心灵导师要如何在在这两类人当中,求取平衡。

        探讨这个问题,我们不要去判断任何一类的人。我们只是试图去了解,为什么有些人会去追寻,而有些人会逃避更真实,更完满的人性。 过程中,我们会发现在心灵导师自身的生命追求中,也曾展现寻求与逃避这两种心态。天主透过耶稣基督,向我们显示他自己。当我们以天主的眼光来看我们现在讨论的问题时,我们会发现,通过接受人性,我们才能走向神性。这是我们需要尊重的真理。

Title of Paper: Contemporary Spiritual Leaders: Poised Between Those Seeking Deeper Meaning in Life and Those Running from It

    In this talk I will address the:? a.) role; b.) qualifications; c.) challenges and d.) opportunities of what it means to be a spiritual leader in contemporary society.? In considering the aspects that distinguish a spiritual leader, we will look closely at how the spiritual leader?is poised between those?people who seek a deeper meaning and guidance amidst life’s despair and hope and those?who run from life’s deep questions and, thereby, anesthetize themselves to their authentic human nature.? 
    In this exploration, we will not judge either group but will, rather, attempt to understand why people seek and why people run from a more authentic and complete humanity.? In trying to understand these people, we will come to appreciate how the seeking and the running are displayed in the spiritual leader's own life quest.? Placing our learning on the horizon of God’s revelation through Jesus Christ, we will come to respect that through accepting our humanity can we approach the divine.?
Once the spiritual leader accepts his own vulnerability, can he discover and appreciate his need to depend upon God's love and mercy and, thereby, embrace the seeking and the running of those whom he is called to lead. In this manner, the leader and those lead mutually encourage one another to live a life of more freedom in Christ.
In conclusion, I will offer some practical applications of our findings to the?formation of contemporary spiritual leaders.? 

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