
Introduction to the work of Misereor, Amity Foundation and Beifang Jinde Catholic Social Service Centre

2019-05-21 15:05:40

Introduction to the work of Misereor, Amity Foundation and Beifang Jinde Catholic Social Service Centre

In the evening of Feb. 25th, Scholars gave up their time to rest and listened to the presentation by Prof. Meng Deliang of Misereor, Prof. Zhang Liwei of Amity Foundation and Brother Li Weiping of the Beifang Jinde Catholic Social Service Centre, representing BFJD. They talked about the nature and programmes of the organizations. With lively pictures and photos, the presentation was very well received.

本文标题:Introduction to the work of Misereor, Amity Foundation and Beifang Jinde Catholic Social Service Centre

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