
斯洛伐: 基督徒所受的迫害及殉道者的角色|Persecution of Christians in Slovakia, respectively in Czechoslovakia in the years 1944 - 1989 and the role of martyrs

2014-10-29 15:37:24 作者:Tomas Gerboc SVD

Abstract:The following script, which we want to acquaint the listeners and participants of this conference with, is not primarily focused on the life and activities of the Servant of God Alexander Anton Biskupič, or his affiliates. However we do want to offer a cross-sectional script which points out to the persecution of Christians in the country where Biskupič was from. Thus we exceed the context of China and link it with the realities of the country, which are perhaps not very well known to you.
Our aim is to point out that the persecution of Christians in the twentieth century was, and even today, in the twenty-first century, is still present, and that the forms of persecutions are very similar. In each country persecution and hostility took on its own specifics, but ultimately followed the same or very similar objectives.
Post approximates the course of the persecution of Christians in the years 1944-1989, the different phases and points to the political situation in the country.
the end is approaching the role of the martyrs as witnesses nonviolent struggle in the fight for freedom, freedom of belief and freedom of spirit.

本文标题:斯洛伐: 基督徒所受的迫害及殉道者的角色|Persecution of Christians in Slovakia, respectively in Czechoslovakia in the years 1944 - 1989 and the role of martyrs

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