
北京辅仁大学在抗日战争时期的贡献|The Merits of Furen University during the Japanese Resistance War

2014-10-29 15:19:30 作者:雷立柏 Prof. Leopold Leeb (中国人民大学文学院 Renmin University, School of Liberal Arts)


Abstract:The Catholic University of Beijing (Fu Jen University) suffered under the Japanese occupation of Beijing 1937. However, the leadership of the university managed to negotiate a certain amount of freedom, thus they did not have to use Japanese textbooks and could even organize some resistance groups. Some outstanding Catholics had to suffer for their courageous efforts, such as Ying Qianli and Fr. Fu Kaipeng. The close cooperation between the German professors and deans and the Chinese teachers enabled the university to become a symbol of Chinese cultural identity during the years of war. Thus academic efforts in the fields of Chinese literature, architecture, arts and the education of Chinese clergy served to strengthen the faith in the future of a strong and independent Chinese nation.

本文标题:北京辅仁大学在抗日战争时期的贡献|The Merits of Furen University during the Japanese Resistance War

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