
明清之际天主教在华慈善救助事业初探 | Primary investigation of Catholic charity in China during Late Ming and Early Qing

2014-10-29 11:29:14 作者:胡文婷 Hu Wenting (北京外国语大学中国海外研究中心) (Beijing Foreign Studies University research centre of Overseas S


关键词: 慈善  基督宗教   通讯集






During the period of Wanli, western missionaries arrived in China again, and they also established the peak time of the second cultural communication between East and West. This history has played a role in connecting, not only because they bring the new religion here, but also the western knowledge taken with them shakes Chinese academic society greatly. At the same time, as a religion majoring in preach, we should notice that the missionaries and Christians have done a lot of charities during its propagation, which has a far-reaching influence to China, and plays an important part in people’s society life and society change. In addition, the missionaries in China used to write letters to communicate with their companions and also to report issues of China parish, so they left us lots of valuable documents. These documents introduce Chinese specialties, animals, plants, geography, and daily life etc to West. They record a series of charity activities in China as well. I want to comb the Catholic charity in China during Late Ming and Early Qing in this article, focusing on the missionaries’ letters of that time, such as Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, listy z Ciny,Nouveaux mémoires sur l’état présent de la Chine. etc. This article contains the society background, the objects, the classification of charity, which would help us to study profoundly the interaction between Christianity and Chinese culture.

Keywords:  charity    Christianity    letters

A general Outline

The first part:Overview the society background of Late Ming and Early Qing

The second part:Introduction of the missionaries’ letters

The third part: Catholic charity in China

The fourth part: The influence and evaluation of these charities

本文标题:明清之际天主教在华慈善救助事业初探 | Primary investigation of Catholic charity in China during Late Ming and Early Qing

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