在华基督教会的对日宣言——以《教务杂志》两封对日公开信为中心 | The declaration to Japan by the Protestant Christian Church in China: Centered on the two open letters to Japan in “The Chinese Recorder”
2014-10-29 11:14:22 作者:孔陈焱 Antonio Kong (复旦大学宗教与国际关系研究中心) (Department of International Politics, Fudan University )
内容提要: 正定教堂惨案发生之际,在上海出版、面向在华基督教差会的著名英文期刊《教务杂志》(The Chinese Recorder)上相继发表两封对日公开信。本文将以分析这两封公开信为中心,结合《教务杂志》中当年时局史料,详细分析在华基督教界的对日态度,其时代含义以及所蕴含的和平主义、人道主义精神。
关键词: 在华基督徒 教务杂志 对日公开信
Abstract: In the almost same time of the Massacre of Zhengding Church, two open letters to Japan had been published in succession in the Chinese Recorder, which was the most famous magazine in Shanghai for the protestant missionary societies in China. Centered on the two open letters to Japan and the related historical materials from the Chinese Recorder,this paper analyzes the attitude to the Japanese invasion of the Christians in China, its era significance, and the humanitarianism and pacifism conveyed.
Keywords: The Christians in China;Chinese Recorder;Two open letters to Japan