
东汉魏晋南北朝宗教慈善的滥觞与发展|The origins and development of religious charity in the period of Eastern Han, Wei ,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

2014-10-29 11:00:40 作者:王文涛/许秀文 Wang Wentao & Xu Xiuwen


关键词:东汉 魏晋南北朝 宗教 佛教 道教 慈善

The origins and development of religious charity in the period of Eastern Han, Wei ,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

Wang Wentao & Xu Xiuwen

Abstract:The Eastern  Han,Wei,Jin,Northern and Southern Dynasties are an important period in the history of China charity. Buddhist charity and charity Taoism originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Buddhism has formed the first climax of the development of Buddhism in the period of Wei,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Buddhist charity gradually flourishing too .The main contents of Buddhist charity thought is the retribution theory and the concept of mercy. Charitable activities range is very wide, involving charity propaganda, relief poor, medical aid, food relief, dig wells for everyone and relief the inmates etc.. As a native religion ,Taoism in Wei ,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties has been further enriched and developed. Goodness preaching to evil, save the poor became important part of the charity of Taoism, but the effect is much smaller than the Buddhist charity .

本文标题:东汉魏晋南北朝宗教慈善的滥觞与发展|The origins and development of religious charity in the period of Eastern Han, Wei ,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

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