
基督教的人道主义救援与公益慈善 | The Humanitarian Aid and Philanthropy of the Christian Church

2014-10-29 09:51:25 作者:宫哲兵 Prof. Gong Zhebin(武汉大学哲学学院宗教学系) (The School of Philosophy of Wuhan University)


Abstract: The 62nd National Prayer Breakfast of America was held on February??, 2014. President Obama delivered a forty-minute long keynote speech. There were also nine other speakers including the spiritual surfer Hamilton. In all of speeches, the humanitarian aid and philanthropy was the key topic. During the “Regional Group Meeting” held on February 7th, I introduced a charitable organization in Wuhan: The Loving Angel. After the meeting, I went to San Francisco to have a discussion with the engineer of the Apple Computer Inc. on the philanthropy of Steven Jobs and Bill Gates. At the same time, I also gave a speech, titled “Wuhan Loving Angel’s Caring for the Left-behind Children,” to the Chinese Cultural Salon.

本文标题:基督教的人道主义救援与公益慈善 | The Humanitarian Aid and Philanthropy of the Christian Church

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